Thursday, January 22, 2009

Basically, the economy sucks ass.

Hi all, I know I have been neglecting this blog but (here's my whiney excuse) the current state of the economy has had an immediate impact on me and my family these past three months. Wha, wha wha. Sick of hearing this, huh? Me too. I'll keep it short and save the melodrama for the prime time news. 

I worked for a bank which was seized by the government and shut down in the last quarter of 2008. We (we meaning my husband and I because, yes, we put all our eggs in one basket and BOTH work for the same company but trust me there's a cute love story there) have been waiting in anticipation of being told what the future holds. Well, the bombs were dropped this past week and among the majority of our country, I will no longer be employed by the end second quarter 2009. Luckily, my other half is still employed. Needless to say I have been stressed. I am prone to anxiety attacks and I have been having the mother of all attacks recently. With the tremendous support of my nearest and dearest, I am coming out of this with a smile and a plan. So until I can execute said plan and the metaphorical dust settles, I will be dropping lines here and there when I can find the time. Please excuse my absences and any forthcoming wham-bam-thank-you-ma-am posts as I will be using le MacBook for more important tasks...


Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry to hear about your job. I lost mine last August and it stressed me out terribly too. Sounds like you have lots of love and support though. I too have suffered from anxiety attacks in the past and try to control them as best I can. Have you tried Bach's Rescue Remedy? Its natural you spray it on your tongue when you are feeling stressed, I find it helps, tastes vile though lol.
One thing I will say is why not put some google ads on your blog, just look in gadgets on your layout. It won't make you a millionairess but it will give you a few extra dollars.
Well try not to stress too much and take care... :)

christyn said...

Thank you so much for your kinds words! Hm. I will have to give the Rescue remedy a go. I am not big on taking meds either, natural is the way to go! I thought about the ads, went as far as answering all the Qs to set up, but it seemed more a hassle than worth it. Plus I am pretty new around here and don't think I get much traffic quite yet. Thanks for the suggestion though, I did forget about that option.